Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Fall Draft 2

Draft 2

Artist Statement: This week I worked on taking more photos inspired by the photographer Mike Moats. This week I was more successful with taking photos and finding more flowers and plants to photograph. I edited all photos in color. By doing that I enhanced the color to that the main object pops out of the picture. I think this concept of macro photography is getting a lot easier to understand and take photos. Over all I think this was a good batch of pictures.


  1. These photos are really great. Your flower photos are really impressive. Based off your goals, this variety is great and the quality is great too. Keep up the artistic work!

  2. The flower photos are very nice, I like the wide array of colors.


Spring Series 3

Artist Statement: This week I worked on creating more images where I tired to combine my original photos with other simple pictures and edi...