Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Still Life

Still Life

Artist Statement: This week I worked on taking photos of still life. I used Edward Weston as my inspiration for this weeks work. I set up a small station inside where I took each photo. I placed the food item on a small white bowl and used the zoom setting on the camera to focus close up on the image. My intention of these photos was to work on the lighting and to see what would happen if I changed the angle of the light. Each photo is pretty similar except that I tried to create a different light structure in each one. Then I edited each photo in black and white so that I could capture the lighting nicely as well as having each photo be cohesive with one another. I think think weeks photos where challenging but I would like to work on becoming better at taking still life photos in future classes.


  1. Hey Sophie, your photos are outstanding. I like the black and white theme. There's a lot meaning in every photon you took and I think you did a great job!

  2. Wow, the contrast looks amazing. I would work on getting the focus just right, because some of the photos don't have the middle of the subject in focus, rather the sides. great job!

  3. Sophie, these photos are amazing. I could definitely see a major theme of the collection which is black and white. I also really love the focus and detail that your put into your work. I don't have any suggestions for you. Great job this week.

  4. Greeting Sophie! ~Great~ work this week!!11! I like how you approached this week—inspired by a still life photographer. I also think your general concept—taking photos of the same subject but changing the lighting—was a great idea and executed very well. I wonder what it would look like if the floor (?) in the lightbox was the same color as the background. Again, awesome series!

  5. I like all these shots, because the textures are so well defined. you can see each detail on each piece of fruit. i would agree with bethany that the lack of white plate under the fruit could have produced different results, but doesn't matter too much as the fruit is so clearly focused on that they really stand well alone. good job.

  6. Great work Sophie!! I think you did a wonderful job on this series of food, and displayed different ways a singular object can be portrayed within "Still Life." I like the white base you used, because it really highlights the main focal points in your images. Nice Work Sophie.


Spring Series 3

Artist Statement: This week I worked on creating more images where I tired to combine my original photos with other simple pictures and edi...